Summer Learning
InformationTo download a
Summer Learning Institute Flier, CLICK HERE. SLI meets 3 days per week.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM SLI is a 6 week program June 22nd through July 30th Tuition and Child Care Packages
Summer Care is provided through OVCA's
Patriot Care. Daily rates apply for SLI student's not enrolled in Patriot Care of $25/day. For more information on Summer Care, click here. |
Sample daily schedule
A Focus on Critical Academic Disciplines
The Summer Learning AtmosphereSummer Learning is a relaxed and summer friendly environment. Dress code is not enforced and individualized learning takes place in a classroom setting with one teacher to a maximum of six students. Play breaks are built in to allow students to stretch and enjoy the summer sunshine. SLI also participates with Patriot Care for certain fun and educational activities.
Download the complete summer program flier by clicking here.
For additional registration information, please contact our elementary office, or contact us by clicking here.