The OVCA Vision of Education
At OVCA, success in the classroom means that we equip our students lifelong spiritually, academically, socially, and physically. A vision helps us to clarify what we believe is effective in education so that we can be successful in equipping our students. When we have a vision, we can pinpoint what works at our school and omit what is ineffective.
An easy way to remember the elements of our vision is to think about it in terms of the why, the what, and the how.
Why do we educate?
We are what education philosophers would call perennialists, because we value the passing on of ideas, principles, and knowledge that are eternal and lasting.
We educate the student to pass to him or her valuable truths so he/she will have a foundation from which to form a well-articulated worldview. We’re also essentialists, because we believe that we educate in order to pass down to the next generation key content about our culture, our history, and our acquired knowledge. We equip the student to be a productive, flourishing member of society by giving him or her what is valuable. |